You've chosen our Terminal REST API

Custom build your payment forms and directly call our flexible REST APIs for complete control of your payment processing experience.


The TNS PayOrch platform provides fast, secure, and reliable APIs that seamlessly integrate with point-of-sale(POS) devices to oversee the complete lifecycle of card-present transactions. Our platform offers the necessary APIs to accept a variety of payment methods. These APIs enable card payments in various card-present situations, including retail, restaurants, automated fuel dispensers, kiosks, and parking facilities. Furthermore, our platform accommodates multiple card presentation methods at point-of-sale(POS) terminals, such as EMV chip insertion, contactless payments.

For a list of supported transaction types, see our Online REST API documentation. For detailed information regarding the request and response fields, see the Request Format and Response Format sections of our documentation.

Additionally, you can experiment with each transaction type using our API Explorer.

Let's begin with an example. In this demonstration, we will guide you through few steps to execute a simple sale request.

Step 1

Get start with Authentication

All requests made through our system are authenticated using HMAC. To execute a sample request, you will need to obtain the API Key and Secret from TNS. Please reach out to our support team to acquire the API Key and Secret.

If you want to see how to create a HMAC signature, see Authentication section of our documentation.

Step 2

Try a sample sale request

When utilizing our Terminal REST APIs, you will initiate calls from your backend system directly to our payment processing system. To commence, it is essential to acquaint yourself with our APIs and calling options through your preferred programming language. We will utilize our API Explorer to execute a basic call together, enabling you to observe the functionality of our APIs. To proceed, we will execute a simple request for a simple sale, presuming that the cardholder has inserted their EMV Chip card into the card reader of the point-of-sale(POS) machine. ( Learn more about Entry Modes )


We may have successfully completed a sale transaction using the example data provided. To verify this in real-time, you will need a point-of-sale(POS) machine capable of reading payment cards, either through EMV chip or magnetic stripe technology. Please explore our Terminal Solutions to enable your business to start accepting payments via payment cards.

Sample Response


For a complete reference and detailed information on response fields, see Response Format section of our documentation.

In the following table, we offer a concise overview of select fields that are crucial for understanding the response from our system. This information will assist you in quickly grasping the relevant details needed to comprehend the outcome of the transaction and guide you on the subsequent actions required.

Field Description Type Example

Step 3

Learn more about terminal integration

Explore our documentation to understand the useful techniques to successfully manage the transaction lifecycle


Primary Transactions

Card Present Transactions

View by transaction type or View by entry modes

Authorization Transactions
Authorization using EMV Chip
Authorization Using Contactless EMV
Authorization Using Magstripe Swipe
Authorization Using Manual Input
Authorization Using Fallback to Swipe
Sale Transactions
Sale using EMV Chip
Sale Using Contactless EMV
Sale Using Magstripe Swipe
Sale Using Manual Input
Sale Using Fallback to Swipe
Refund Transactions
Refund using EMV Chip
Refund Using Contactless EMV
Refund Using Magstripe Swipe
Refund Using Manual Input
Refund Using Fallback to Swipe
Contact EMV Chip
Authorization using EMV Chip
Sale using EMV Chip
Refund using EMV Chip
Contactless EMV
Authorization Using Contactless EMV
Sale Using Contactless EMV
Refund Using Contactless EMV
Magstripe Swipe
Authorization Using Magstripe Swipe
Sale Using Magstripe Swipe
Refund Using Magstripe Swipe
Manual Input
Authorization Using Manual Input
Sale Using Manual Input
Refund Using Manual Input
Fallback to Swipe
Authorization Fallback to Swipe
Sale Fallback to Swipe
Refund Fallback to Swipe
Token Based Transactions
Secondary Transactions

That's It, You're Done!

You just made a payment. For more detailed information on fields and requirements, see Request Format and Response Format sections of our documentation.

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